
Teamwork’s Un-parallel Strength
I could not believe we lost. The second it happened I was already trying to figure out a strategy to get it back but the inevitable had arrived. My last time stepping on the ice had ended in a loss. After sitting in the locker room, everyone silently stripping off their gear I knew right away I wasn’t going to let it end like this. After everyone had shuffled out I pulled my coach aside and asked him if he was looking for an assistant next year. He couldn’t believe I was talking about next year 30 minutes after the biggest loss of our season but right away he knew I meant business.
The upcoming season was going to be the first time not playing hockey in 16 years. I first started when my mom forged my birthday to get me on the ice early. Growing up it was always about having fun for me. I loved everything about hockey. Every drill, every game, every locker boxing championship fight, it was my home. I was never spectacular at singular aspects of the game but I had dedication and an understanding for the game that most players do not have. I played for the town of West Roxbury my entire life but when I turned 15 the next level up was just a half of a season because so many people played high school hockey. Usually a hockey season goes from late September to early April but at this age division they only played until December. This was not nearly enough hockey for me. A couple years prior my town hockey program joined a league in Quincy called the Presidents League, that is where I called home for the next 5 years. When the league first started there were two teams, Quincy and us. This caused a huge rivalry and even bigger amount angst between the two of us.  Everyone had someone on the opposing team they rivaled against and if wasn’t settled that week than it was settled the next week. Neither team had a star player that could win them the game so for us, team was everything. Usually a team has one or two kids that in desperate situations, they could rely on to win them the game. Our team never had this. For us, teamwork was the most valuable asset, and that is something that will stick with me for the rest of my life.
Five years after my journey in the President’s League had started I was back on the bench except this time I was wearing a windbreaker and boots instead of a jersey and skates. I was in charge of all these kids that I had played with for two years and now I had to tell them what to do. It was strange to say the least. I remember telling them the first game that this game is going to be the most important game we play all season. I told them this is where we set the tone and decide whether we want to leave the championship game silently with our heads down or screaming our heads off all the way to the parking lot. We won that game 7-2. Switching from playing the coaching was one of the weirdest feelings.  Not being on the ice and not being able to help the team directly was very foreign to me but that’s what gives you the respect and admiration for the game that you never take in on the ice. Regardless, I knew that I was home and that our team was ready to take this league by dominant fashion.
Three months later we had hit the halfway mark of our season. We were undefeated. We had dominant performances and we had nail biters but everybody did their job and was ready to stand up against anything in our path. We then got an offer to go up to Montreal for a tournament on Valentines Day weekend. Everybody wanted to go. All we could think about was party first and hockey second. We were going to the hockey capitol of the world nobody expected us to score a goal let alone win a game. Our first game was against a team from Ontario and every single one of us were wrong about how this weekend in Canada would play out.
These kids were fast, had amazing stick handling, and could shoot the puck like no one we had faced state side. The one thing they didn’t realize is that we were a team, there were no individual talents on our team everyone got their talent from the guys to their left and their right. After the second period we were winning 5-2. We all looked up at the scoreboard, looked at each other, back up at the scoreboard, and everyone fell silent. I got in the middle of the circle of players and told them that the game plan has changed. We were the only Americans there and we were not supposed to win or even come close. But lets do it anyway. We ended up winning 6-3. The next game we got beat in every exchange and ended up loosing 7-3 but the loss of morale was far greater.
After that game spirits were low so we decided to have a little fun and went to downtown Montreal for the night. The next day we were rejuvenated and ready to go. Next up we had a tough opponent and new the odds were against us but that didn’t stop us for fighting to the end to win 4-3. At the end of the game one of the opposing players took a huge blind-sided check from behind against one of our smallest players.  During the handshake line their coach stepped out of line and was the epitome of a sore loser. When I went to go grab our pucks off the bench, I saw their coach yelling something at our head coach so I did the calm and rational thing and got in his face and started yelling back. Before I knew it I was being dragged off the ice by the refs while still heckling at their coach. After that game we could do nothing but watch and wait to see if we’d make it into the championship. All we knew that if we made it to the championship then we were going to win, there was no other option.
That last game we came together in no way I had ever seen before. The team that had beaten us 7-3 thought that they had an easy game ahead of them but little did they know they were facing an entirely different team. We won that tournament with a dominating performance in that last game winning 4-2. We all entered the country of Canada prepared to be embarrassed but instead we did a little bit of embarrassing of our own. As soon as that game ended our focus was back on our season with the Presidents league and now we were more prepared then ever.
Two months had passed since we won the gold in Montreal and we were still undefeated and now back in the finals facing the same team we had lost to. We were no longer a team we were a family. Before I even entered the rink I knew that we were going to win. Not because of our skill set or our dedication, but because this family shared the same goal and same mentality. It was a hard fought game we were in a war. I had been so focused and determined that by the time I finally looked up at the scoreboard we had 2 minutes left and we were in the lead by 2 goals. The other team called a timeout and I was prepared to give a speech that would be envied by Braveheart. I reminded each and every player of our accomplishments and our battles and when the whistle blew everybody had the same exact look in their eye, resistance. Although those two minutes were the slowest two minutes of my life I will never forget them. I counted down every second in my head while my eyes focused on the action. Before I knew it the buzzer sounded and there was a quick pause of silence, and then, chaos. I charged my coach with open arms and almost tackled him to the ground. Everybody jumped over the bench and created a pile of bodies on top of our goalie. That moment will always be engraved into my memory. The amount of accomplishment and pride I felt for our team is un parallel. I will always remember that when you have a bond with others and become family over a common goal you can accomplish anything. This is something that I will carry forever and always hold close to my heart. Teamwork is one thing, but team accomplishment is where the greatest bonds are formed.

Why Must I Be Surrounded By Idiots?
This election season has not only made a mockery of the election process but of the presidential seat itself. This year we have had candidates that have stirred the pot of the campaigning process. Up until now it was always been about whose ideas were the most practical and achievable for us as a society to comprehend. Now, campaigning is based off of being different and having some solid sound bites. I will chose to talk about three candidates, Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton, and Donald Trump. From what I’ve seen from the very beginning these three candidates are the only recognizable names to the common man. Why is this? Because for the first time we are getting an entirely different view of what politics entails and to see society’s reaction to this in all honesty scares me. My problem is not with the candidates themselves, rather how we as a society have reacted to this election season.
            We live in the most powerful and influential country in the entire world. As a nation we are not the most economically strong but we make up for this with the greatest military this world has ever seen, an ever growing and diverse population, and now we are beginning to make a huge change in the way politics work. Running this country is probably the most important job in the whole world. Because we as a nation are so powerful, whoever holds the keys to the castle has keys to the rest of the world’s castles. The candidates for this election season range from the corrupt, to the socialist, and even the showman and in this essay I will attempt to break down their different stances to their core beliefs and show why this is the worst batch of presidential candidates that we have had in a long time.
First we have Bernie Sanders. I greatly respect Bernie for being the first presidential candidate in a long time to not accept donations from big corporations. He is a man for the middle class, and wants to give everybody in America equal opportunities simply because they are American. The biggest problem with Bernie Sanders is that his views do not match with the capitalist theme that is “The American Dream”.
 One example I will use is his stance on education. If you look at his website ( you can get descriptions of his political stances straight from the source. In his political stance on education, Bernie states that all public colleges and universities should be tuition free, colleges should be hiring more faculty and more experienced professors, student loan interest rates should be heavily reduced, and undocumented children brought to America should be given the opportunity to receive education. ( So what exactly is wrong with these policies? From the outside looking in it sounds perfect. What most people do not think about is the millions of people who have dedicated their entire lives saving up money so themselves or their children could go to college. Also, by offering free education as well as hiring more professors contradicts itself completely. How are these university’s expected to go from gaining 15-25 thousand dollars a year from each individual student to gaining nothing from them and then at the same time be hiring tenured professors? In a perfect world Bernie Sander’s stance is the most ideal but the least practical. It’s my opinion that this is why we see such a large amount of support for Bernie Sanders coming from young adults primarily in liberal arts universities such as the lovely Stonehill College. Even worse than the support is the negativity that gets thrown towards Bernie Sanders.
 Time and time again I’ve heard the word communist come out when talking about Bernie Sanders. The problem with communism is that we have this stigma towards it that communism is some evil government practice due to the “Red Scare”. The red scare was the mass fear of communism in the United States that came about during the Cold War primarily supported by the propaganda constantly pedaled out regarding communism. My father is the perfect example for an anti Bernie person. Both my parents came from nothing worked non stop for 40 years saving up money to put me through college, finally paying off the mortgage on the house, and right now they’re relaxing in Amsterdam and Belgium up to all sorts of mischief. My dad constantly refers to Bernie as a communist and somebody who’s going to take his hard earned money and tax it so that the lower class can have more opportunities. With people like my dad (who makes an ox look compliant) it is impossible for them to get behind Bernie because Sanders does not take into consideration those whom are right on the cusp of wealthy and middle class as well as those who spent decades building their wealth with nothing but willpower and hunger. The only thing I can say to those people is that if you think Congress is ever going to let Bernie pass a bill that takes money from the rich and give it to the poor you are dead wrong. This is America and capitalism sadly will never cease to be the American way. The problem is when you get a candidate like Donald Trump who is the Poster Boy for capitalism it makes you lose hope for a changed America.
Donald Trump is making America stupid again. Words cannot begin to describe how much disgust and disappointment that Trump has caused me. Not because of his views, not because of what he says, but what he has done to this and future presidential campaigns. First off, his manipulation of the media and usage of boisterousness is the only reason he is still in this race. He spews out the extremist point of view on all issues and regrettably I am doing right now exactly what he wants. I'm talking about him. That is what his campaign is built on. He has made it so that somebody like himself with absolutely no political practice can be the front-runner for the entire election! Why is this? Because of us.
If you turn on any news media you will only see the ridiculous things Donald Trump is saying. Look at his website, he doesn’t have any positions regarding his stance on education, civil rights, or environmental issues. The first thing you see is “pay for the wall”( This man is talking constantly about building a wall, bombing the Middle East, or just talking poorly about his fellow running mates. Sadly, he wants people like myself to get up in arms about all of this because it continues the conversation about what if Donald Trump is our president.
 The one thing I can get behind is his stance on healthcare. Trump wishes to not only recall Obamacare but also make massive changes in the healthcare system that is currently in place. I could not agree more but as Donald trump so often does he is fuzzy on the details. He throws around the word reform twenty times in his position and says he’ll repeal Obamacare but that’s just about it. ( In no way does he give solid remarks regarding what will come after that. This is a theme of his campaign, he gets boisterous when it comes to changing the system and denouncing his competition but when it comes to what he himself will do he is silent.
 This is the biggest problem we face when looking at Donald Trump’s campaign. I believe he is all bark no bite. Now if I said that publically he’d probably come back with a “yo momma” joke or start yelling nonsense and move his hands around a lot. That is just who he is. He has been in a position of power his entire life and has never had to face the struggle and adversity that nine out of ten Americans face on a daily basis. He is used to being able to give vague descriptions that sound good but when you truly analyze his positions you realize he has no idea what he’s going to do.
Clinton is a name that’s been in politics for a very long time. Her husband, in my opinion, was the last truly great president that we had. His only downfall was in his scandal. The effect of the media is so huge that if you ask any teenager or young adult today what they know about Bill Clinton they will talk about his scandal. What puzzles me is why the exact opposite effect has happened with Hillary. Quite recently Hillary Clinton was discovered copying classified documents onto personal emails and accounts, had a full server room set up in one of her bathrooms, and aside from that constantly is caught contradicting herself. It is my opinion that Hillary is more deserving of a federal trial than a presidential election. In comparison, she did exactly what Edward Snowden did except he made the documents public. Edward Snowden is currently charged with theft of government property as well as violating the espionage act; Hillary is leading the democratic race for president.
Hillary is the most qualified, has been around the longest, and has the most to say regarding the current issues our nation is facing. So what is different? She is a woman; a very powerful role model to all empowered women out there. That is the only change she brings to this election. I believe that she is such a good politician that she knows exactly what the people want to hear and how they want to hear it because she’s been playing this game for a long time. The problem is what she is like off camera. When you analyze Hillary you will see that she’s very good at telling the people what they want but not giving it to them. This has been a trend in our presidency for a little over a decade. Barrack Obama’s campaign was run on change. “Change we believe in” but did we see any change? We saw him minimalize boots on the ground and create Obamacare but other than that he was turned down by congress. I believe Hillary will be able to get the job done because she is the most qualified and has the most experience but it’s my opinion that she believes that our governmental system does not need the change that Trump and Sanders both preach.
 I do not believe Hillary can be trusted either. Politicians are masterminds when it comes to deception and none better than Hillary. Hillary has experience but we need change more than anything. For as long as I can remember every time a new bill comes to congress that can make a change it is shut down. I believe Hillary is another cog in the broken machine of government and for us as a society change is crucial.
For me, this election season is a “pick your poison” election. All three leading candidates have their serious flaws and I cannot stand behind any of them. I have decided that I’m not going to vote this year. Besides the fact that the Electoral College determines our vote I truly believe that the vote will not matter primarily because of the crop of candidates we are forced to choose from. On one hand you have Hillary who wants to make minor reforms in government and major reforms from a societal standpoint that simply put, will not work. Then you have Bernie Sanders who wants to socialize our nation and make it a place where everyone has equal opportunity and advantages. This just goes against the American way. In America you have to earn your stripes and if you’re given everything your whole life, then how will we ever make forward progress as a society. Lastly we have Trump who is no politician he is just a showman. This election season has not only ruined the presidency for the next four years but all presidential elections to come. We are in an ever changing society and only time will tell what will happen in the future but I do know that right now the sacredness of a presidential election is being made a mockery of and I just can’t wait for it to all be over.

Works cited

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